Friday, April 12, 2013

My life began

Anabelle was born April 9th, 2007 by c-section. My stubborn little beauty was just shy of 10 lbs and was 21.5 inches long. And like her mother she came out her own way, turned around inside of me and pulled out feet first. Sometimes, I feel like we are still trying to pull her by her feet, but I wouldn't have her any other way.

 So far in Belle's short 6 years, I have learned more about my life and myself than I ever could have in the 25 years prior. She tests every fiber of my being. Her love of animals and people far exceed any compassion I have ever seen or known. She saves crickets, mice, spiders and anything else that needs her soft touch and sensitive heart. Meanwhile, I run into the other room screaming, or gagging at the smell.

Even as a toddler she was comforting other children when they were sad. She is the best sister and friend, I have never met anyone more forgiving. I guess that's a good thing with a first child, because I am definitely not a perfect mother and make mistakes daily. 
This doesn't mean she doesn't have a mind of her own. She's opinionated, sticks her foot in her mouth constantly, doesn't think before she speaks and questions anything and everything. She is my child after all. 

When I was little, I had all these dreams to be someone else: be kinder, not so defensive, more liked by others, be smarter, more beautiful, have blue eyes, love science, to still be girly and athletic, not be afraid to show how sensitive I really was. For years, I thought I needed to change myself and I couldn't understand why I couldn't be any of these things no matter how hard I tried. Then one day there she was, everything I wanted to be, wrapped up into one willful and wonderful little package.
I've heard many say cherish your wedding day, it's the happiest day of your life. But for me, the happiest day of my life was when I became a mother. She completes me, I was meant to be her mother and I know the world is better because I brought her into it. Life before she was born just doesn't seem to compare.
We love you Anabelle Margaret... Happy 6th Birthday!