Friday, August 30, 2013

To My Sassy Daphy

Oh my Sweet Pea, Happy 2nd birthday! So full of life, boundless amounts of sass, energy and character. Daddy thought we used all the good genetics up on Thing 1 and Thing 2, man did we prove him wrong. ;)
I will admit, that you had me so smitten and fooled as a baby, that I could not have imagined who you would be in these two short years.
You were so calm and sure of yourself, even as an infant. You slept well, ate VERY well and were generally, always happy, unless I was away and you couldn't eat. ;) We like our food in this family!

You started smiling at a couple weeks old and you have never seemed to stop.

With every passing day your lack of fear, the knowledge you have of yourself and your willingness to give it all you have, no matter the consequences makes me throw everything I "thought I knew" out the window.
Everything I said "I would never do", I'm pretty sure with and because of you, I've had to re-evaluate and deviate from. ;)

You are the fear in fearless, the wonder in wonderment and the joy in joyful. You live everyday, every moment to the fullest. Even in these short two years, I know that you will be someone to reckon with. And I am proud and honored to have the privilege to be your mother. You make me face myself like I never thought I would have to. I can't (and partially don't want to ;)) imagine what else you are going to teach me in the years to come.
We all love you and can't imagine our lives without you. Happy 2nd Birthday my Sassy Daphy!

Your Mom aka Da' Boss! ;) (hey come on now, I have to at least try ;))

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