Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Tickle me Tball

So t-ball season has started... yea!! Last year was crying and sitting in a field, with Daddy getting upset and telling Killian to "toughin up". It was seriously funny, because come on now, he was 3. And oh so stinking cute!!

He did and does love to hit, the best part of Baseball. I really just come for the cute stinking outfits!!
This year has been more of the same but since he's 4 whole years old now, the attention span has grown quite a bit (notice the large hints of sarcasm!).
This year is some serious business. That ball might make it to him. But if it did, he would probably be tackled by the other 4 and 5 year olds. Wish I could have gotten pictures of him throwing dirt in the air and catching it with his glove. That would represent this little superstar a little more. I mean come on... who can resist dirt!
Our favorite parts of the game are still when he is batting! Not just because he is actually focused on something beside dirt. But also because watching this kid run is the funniest thing ever! Pump those arms buddy. I can't wait to show his future wife videos of him skip running to the bases.
 Oh tickle me silly, I just LOVE little kids t-ball. Enjoying it while it's still not competitive; because if you know Jim and I at all, there will come a time when we are probably kicked out of one of our kids sporting events. ;)

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